Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Web Page Creation

Working in Global Education is very interesting!  I created this webpage about adult learning styles.  Check it out here.  I've started to learn about how to use the internet and technology to teach and learn. It's amazing what is out there!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Reflection #8 (Thoughts)

It's been a few months since I have written, but not since I've reflected!  Reflection is a constant part of my  life.  I reflect on my studies, my family, my parenting struggles, and friends. I wish I could be better at so many things and in so many areas of my life.  Sometimes I think about how much I lack, but I'm grateful that I do have talents to share.  I'm glad that I have a talent to teach; that is one area of my life I have no reservations. I learned a great deal in school, but most of what I know, is just part of who I am.  I hate the quote, "Those who can't...teach." That is SO wrong...teaching takes skill, patience, and understanding of multiple levels of intelligence. Plus, what better way to learn something, than to teach the concept?  Just a little reflection on teaching as many get ready for back to school!